Author, wife, mother, lover of reading, overcast skies, chilly weather, and hockey.

A romantic at heart, Jenn has always been a lover of books, and is constantly dreaming up heart-wrenching stories that will have you reaching for tissues and make you blush.

When Jenn's not writing, she can be found reading a spicy romance novel, watching scary movies, and enjoying her quiet life in New England, living out her real-life romance story.

Follow along for more updates and book news.


Meighan is the owner of The Meighan PA author services and has been with Jenn since the beginning. Meighan runs Jenn's personal teams, social media and content, emails, newsletter and a million other tasks to keep things on track. She keeps everything afloat so that Jenn can focus on writing.



KATIE, Editor

Jenn's books are exclusively edited from start to finish by Between The Covers Editorial. Katie is a freelance editor who specializes in the romance genre and is responsible for turning the books you love into pure gold. Jenn is so proud to join the other talented writers who are Between The Covers Editorial authors.

IG: @betweenthecoverseditorial



The man behind the scenes handling all the crazy that pours out of Author Jenn Plummer. When I'm not busy with work or the kids, my wife finds plenty for me to do. Website Creator, Accountant, Financier, Manager, IT Support, Amateur Formatter, and Masseur. At this point, I could probably just quit my day job and start a company assisting indie authors.

But... I wouldn't have it any other way. If anyone's going to spend time with my wife working on her dream, it's going to be me!

I love you more than anything Jenn Plummer.